Founded in Paris in 2012, Costockage has established itself as a prominent player in the self-storage industry. The online marketplace facilitates the rental of storage units from established operators and unused spaces from individuals. In 2017, the company launched Kostok, its self-storage center operating arm, employing an innovative digital approach. With a current presence in 10 centers across France, Costockage, under the leadership of founders Mickael Nadjar and Adam Levy-Zauberman, aims to further expand its footprint.
Bringing over a decade of experience in sourcing, development, and data analytics, Costockage has earned the distinction of being the #1 self-storage marketplace in France. The founders, Mickael Nadjar and Adam Levy-Zauberman, will continue to lead the company, leveraging their on-the-ground expertise.
Ardian, a world-leading private investment house with a robust track record in acquisitions and asset management, will play a pivotal role in supporting Kostok’s expansion. This growth phase will involve building acquisitions, transforming distressed real estate, and acquiring existing self-storage operations.
StĂ©phanie Bensimon, Member of the Executive Committee & Head of Real Estate at Ardian, stated, “As part of our real estate asset class diversification strategy, we are delighted to now include self-storage in our portfolio. We believe it is the right time to enter this sector as it is at a nascent stage in France compared to other mature markets such as the United States of America and the UK. The sector’s low-emissions fundamentals were also key in our decision making.”
Omar Fjer, Managing Director at Ardian, expressed confidence in Costockage’s innovative response to the demand for space, especially with their digital expertise. “We are keen to help the company with the next stages of its development, especially regarding its real estate holdings. We are confident this is the right opportunity to enter the asset class and provide strong risk-adjusted returns to our clients.”
The Co-Founders of Costockage, Mickael Nadjar & Adam Levy-Zauberman, shared their excitement about the partnership, stating, “We are delighted that Ardian will help us develop the company. We are excited to keep working on a first-class experience to provide storage to people and companies. We’ve pioneered the field of turning unused space into self-storage, and are delighted to now have a partner with expertise in both real estate and company development. The self-storage asset class is growing strongly and has its best days ahead.”
Ardian is a world-leading private investment house, managing or advising $160bn of assets on behalf of more than 1,560 clients globally. Ardian’s broad expertise spans Private Equity, Real Assets, and Credit, offering a wide range of investment opportunities and flexible responses to clients’ varying needs.
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By Proptechbuzz
By Ravi Kumar